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Consultation, Coaching, and Training


We enjoy consulting with families, mental health professionals, health care providers, educators, and community members about topics related to assessment, mental health, development, and learning.

Consultation services include:

  • Working with families of children with special educational and mental health needs, including team building with special education teachers, teachers, and school staff and education and advocacy for families.

  • Helping families more deeply understand and make use of IEP’s, Behavior Plans, and past testing, including a thorough review of past testing and discussion of child’s current needs at home and in the community.

  • Collaborating with health professionals, educators, and community members regarding treatment planning, goals, and client issues.

  • Consultation and training with non-profit organizations and schools regarding mental health issues.


Some of our families choose to work with us after assessments to address and implement specific goals. Because we have already formed a relationship during the assessment process, this can often be a natural transition. When we provide coaching, it is generally time-limited and specific to one goal. Examples might include:

  • Creating a family meeting schedule to enhance family communication.

  • Addressing a tricky family dynamic that gets in the way of change.

  • Developing and setting appropriate limits with children.


We enjoy providing trainings and workshops to fellow professionals, as well as parents. Some of our favorite past trainings include:

  • Empowering Your Student (with Colleen Arnold, M.S., Arnold Advocacy)

    (Full training available here!)

  • Self-Compassion for Parents of Special Needs Children

  • Self-Compassion and Mindfulness for Clinicians

  • Resiliency and Treatment of Trauma

  • Be Nice to Yourself: Self-Kindness Tools for Women

  • Developing Resilience and Post-Traumatic Growth in Trauma Treatment

  • Talking to Teens about Sexual and Relationship Health

  • The Impact of Trauma on School Functioning and Behavior

  • Attachment and Relationships for Adults