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Other Assessments

Other Assessments

We provide specialized assessments, including strengths-based autism evaluation, psychoeducational assessment, and testing for cognitive ability, placement, and giftedness.

Strength-Based Autism Assessment

These assessments use both qualitative and quantitative measures to provide a holistic picture of an individual’s strengths and needs. This approach helps individuals and family members recognize and make use of their strengths, and informs interventions and supports.

Psychoeducational Assessment

Our psychoeducational assessments are great tools for individuals and families who would like to know more about their learning style, areas of academic strength and need, and supports that may be helpful.

Cognitive Ability Testing & Assessment

Cognitive ability testing (also known as “IQ” testing) may be appropriate when applying to schools or determining placement options. These assessments provide an in-depth view of an individual’s intellectual strengths and challenges.